Congressional Candidate Bob Corlew Launches New Ad Focused on Border Security

Former judge and current Republican congressional candidate Bob Corlew announced on Tuesday the launch of a new campaign ad focused solely on his commitment to support President Trump’s efforts to shore up the United States’ national security by securing the southern border and reforming the immigration system to reflect the ‘America First’ agenda.

The 30-second spot (seen below) features footage of Corlew walking border fence with two agents. In it, the former judge vows to support President Trump’s now-familiar promises to:

  • Build the wall
  • End chain migration
  • Stop the flow of drug
  • Deny amnesty to illegal aliens currently in the countru
  • Renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)


V/O: How do we secure our future? It starts at the border.

CORLEW: In Congress, I’ll stop criminal illegal aliens from entering our country by working with President Trump to build a wall, end chain migration, stop the flow of illegal drugs, no amnesty.

And I’ll fight unfair trade deals, because open borders also costs Tennessee jobs.

I’m Bob Corlew and I approve this message because securing our border and protecting jobs are values I’ll never stop never stop fighting for.

Watch the commercial:








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